Minutes of the meeting held April 12th 1921 at the Regent Hotel (upper room) Ocean Road, So. Shields at 8pm
Present:-    W. Bro. Cuthbert Sigsworth W.M. No. 2418
        W. Bro. J. Willis P.M., W. Bro. Wm C. Everson P.M. Treas., W. Bro. C. D. Fleming P.M., W. Bro. A. J. Wares P.M. Char, Rep., W. Bro. J. D. Martin P.M. D of C, W. Bro. Magnus Blanch, W. Bro. C. H. Lawrence. P.M., W. Bro. J. J. Madden I.P.M., W. Bro. J. R. Wheldon P.M., W. Bro. T. Sykes P.M., W. Bro. J. G. Finlayson P.M., Bro. Wm Braid S.W., Bro. E. S. Slater J.W., W. Bro. C. F. Sutcliffe P.M., Bro. Howard Hill, Secretary
The minutes of the previous meeting held March 21st were read by the Secretary and confirmed.

The Secretary read particulars obtained by the deputation who waited upon W. Bro. J. G. Finlayson P.M. on March 22nd 1921, the deputation consisting of W. Bro. Cuthbert Sigsworth W.M. and the Secretary Bro. Howard Hill.

The Secretary read letter from the Secretary of the St. Hilda Lodge re; meeting with their Finance Committee on Friday April 8th at 8.15pm.

The W.M. gave particulars of the meeting of the deputation consisting of the W.M., W. Bro. Wm. C. Everson, W. Bro. Magnus Blanch, and the Secretary with the St. Hilda Finance Committee. Who agreed (provisionally to confirmation by the Freemasons’ Club) to grant the use of the Lodge Rooms etc, at a yearly rental of £20 for the first two years. The rental to increase £10 per annum until it reached the rental paid by the other Lodges held in the building. They also granted the second Wednesday in the month as the most suitable day of meeting. All other terms of tenancy to be similar to the other Lodges at present held in the Building. W. Bro. Wm. C. Everson, WBro. Magnus Blanch also gave further particulars and details of the interview.

On the motion of W. Bro. Thomas Sykes seconded by W. Bro. J. R. Wheldon it was unanimously agreed to call the new lodge the “Caer Urfa” Lodge.

On the motion of W. Bro. Wm, C. Everson seconded by W .Bro. J.J. Madden I.P.M. it was agreed that the 2nd Wednesday in the month should be the night of meeting and that it be held at the Ingham Street Hall, South Shields.

On the motion of W. Bro. Wm, C. Everson, seconded by W. Bro. J. R. Wheldon it was unanimously carried that W. Bro. Thomas Sykes P.M. be W. M. designate of the new lodge.

On the motion of W. Bro. A. J. Wares, P.M. Char. Rep. seconded by W. Bro. J. Willis P.M. it was carried that W. Bro. Wm, C. Everson P.M. Treas, be S.W. designate of the new lodge.

2022 Caer Urfa Lodge No.4345. All rights reserved.


The Early Days

Founders minutes 1

Founders minutes 2

under construction

under construction

Lodge Information


On the motion of W .Bro. J.J. Madden I.P.M. seconded by W. Bro. Cuthbert Sigsworth W.M. that W.Bro. Magnus Blanch be J.W. designate of the new lodge and carried.

10.    The following P.M.’s signified their intention of becoming Founders of the New Lodge and signed the Petition Form :-
W.Brs, Sykes, Everson, Blanch, Wheldon, Wares, Willis, Martin, Madden, Fleming, Sigsworth, Bros, Braid, Slater, W.Bro. Sutcliffe and Bro. Howard Hill.

11.    It was moved by W. Bro. A. J. Wares, P.M. Char. Rep. and seconded by W. Bro. J. D. Martin D of C, that Bro Howard Hill be Secretary and Treasurer pro.tem of the New Lodge and carried.

It was moved by .Bro. Thomas Sykes P.M. and seconded by W.Bro. Wm, C. Everson that 10 Regular meetings be held in a year, the vacation to be July and August and carried.

The formation of the Lodge was taken from particulars given by the W.M., by W.Bro. J.G. Finlayson and was found not to exceed £70 in the first instance, the Hedworth Lodge agreeing to allow the use of their property for a time.

On the motion of W.Bro. Thomas Sykes P.M. seconded by W.Bro. C.D. Fleming, it was agreed that a meeting be held at Ingham Street, on Friday, April 22nd at to receive a list of Founders.

15.    It was suggested by W.Bro. J.G. Finlayson that the notice in the circular of the next regular Hedworth Lodge should read “To recommend the signing of a Petition for the formation of a New Lodge”

Cuthbert Sigsworth W. M.
Howard Hill Secretary