HISTORY  (minutes of the founders)

Minutes of the meeting held at the Regent Hotel (upper room) Ocean Road, South Shields, on Monday March 21st 1921 at 8pm

Present:-    W. Bro. Cuthbert Sigsworth W.M., W. Bro. A P Stainton P.M., W. Bro. J. Willis P.M., W. Bro. Wm C. Everson P.M. Treas., W. Bro. C. D. Fleming P.M., W. Bro. A. J. Wares P.M. Char, Rep., W. Bro. M. Blanch P.M., W. Bro. C. H. Lawrence. P.M., W. Bro. J. J. Madden I.P.M.

1.    It was moved by W. Bro. C.D. Fleming and seconded by W. Bro. Wm. C. Everson. Treas, that a new Lodge be formed and carried unanimously.

2.    It was moved by W. Bro. J. J. Madden I.P.M. and   seconded by W. Bro. M Blanch that only subscribing members of Hedworth Lodge No. 2418 be eligible as Founders and carried unanimously

3.    The name of the new Lodge was left in abeyance, (after discussion), for further consideration, but the  following were suggested as likely to be suitable :- “W. E Moffett”, “South Shields”, “Westoe”, “Beacon Lodge”, “Roman Lodge”

4.    The Secretary was instructed to write to the Secretary of the St. Hilda Lodge No. 240, to arrange a date for a meeting with the Finance Committee of the Lodge to see if the St. Hilda Lodge would grant the use of the Lodge Rm. Etc, for the New Lodge.

5.    The following were appointed as a deputation to meet the Finance Committee of St. Hilda Lodge, on the motion of W. Bro. J. Willis seconded by W. Bro. A. J. Wares, Char. Rep.
    a, W.M. - W. Bro. Cuthbert Sigsworth, b, Treasurer - W. Bro. Wm C. Everson, c, Secretary - Bro. Howard Hill and carried unanimously

It was moved by W. Bro. Magnus Blanch and seconded by W. Bro. C. D. Fleming that the second Wednesday in each month be the night of meeting.

    An amendment was moved by W. Bro. A. J. Wares. Char. Rep and seconded by W. Bro. J. J. Madden, I.P.M. that the 3rd Friday in each month be the night of  meeting.

    The amendment was put and declared lost, the resolution was then carried. It was further resolved that the 3rd Friday should be an alternative in case the St. Hilda Committee could not grant the second Wednesday.

    It was moved by W. Bro. A. J. Wares that the meeting be adjourned and seconded by W. Bro. C. H. Lawrence until further particulars could be obtained form W. Bro. J. G. Finlayson respecting the number of Founders, likely cost per head etc. This was carried.

8.    It was agreed that another meeting be held at the Regent Hotel as soon as possible, after the deputation had the necessary information from the St. Hilda Lodge and W. Bro. J. G. Finlayson.

Cuthbert Sigsworth W. M. 2418
Howard Hill Secretary 2418

Report of interview with W. Bro. J. G. Finlayson on Tuesday morning
March 22nd 1921
Present        W. Bro. Cuthbert Sigsworth W. M.
                    Bro. Howard Hill, Secretary,

    W. Bro. Cuthbert Sigsworth explained the reason of the interview and gave particulars of the meeting of Past Masters held the previous evening. W. Bro. J. G. Finlayson expressed himself as greatly in favour of the proposals and would do whatever he could to further the business.

    He gave the likely cost as not to exceed £100. He said there was no restriction as regards the number of Founders, and as a rule 2 to 3 guineas was the Founders’ fee, which usually included the 1st years subscription. It is customary for the officers themselves to pay for their collar, and jewel of office, which entitled them to have their name inscribed on the back.

    He stated that the new Tyne Dock Lodge was limited to 100 members. The initiation fee would be £7 to £10. He suggested that the Secretary write the Prov. G. Sec,. Bro, Dixon, Sunderland for Petition Forms for forming a New Lodge.

    He stated that it would be necessary at the next meeting to appoint a W. M. designate, S. W. and J. W., etc. He suggested that it was better that the name of the new Lodge be by ballot. All names on the petition should have the full Christian names thereon.


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The Early Days

Founders minutes 1

Founders minutes 2

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